Embark on an extraordinary journey with Space2Sea, featuring luminaries William Shatner, renowned Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Moonwalker Charlie Duke, Award-Winning Journalist Ann Curry, esteemed NASA Astronauts Scott Kelly and José Hernández, ocean-legacy Céline Cousteau, and acclaimed UK memory artist Stephen Wiltshire. This once-in-a-lifetime holiday Voyage to Antarctica will take place aboard the new, ultra-luxury expedition vessel, Seabourn Venture. With only 260 exclusive guests, this unforgettable adventure promises to be a truly memorable experience.
Dear Fellow Explorers,
This is your Captain, William Shatner. It is my pleasure to invite you to join me on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage to the final, unexplored frontier on Earth, the great continent of Antarctica.
When I flew to space atop Blue Origin’s fiery New Shepard rocket, little did I expect that I would be most captivated by the fragile, blue curve of our planet, suspended improbably in the inky blackness of space. All that we have ever loved and treasured is down here, and until humanity, one day, establishes a permanent presence in space, Earth is truly our one and only home.
And yet, there is so much of this planet that remains a mystery. From the roots of our ancient forests with their symbiotic, mycological bedfellows, to the vast worlds under our polar ice caps, so little is known. While we have mapped the planet Mars in greater detail than we have the ocean floor, one place remains out of sight for nearly everyone, and that is Antarctica. So come join me and our Host Daniel Fox with FUTURE of SPACE during this festive season of Christmas and Hanukkah, which both are celebrated this year on December 25! You’ll meet my family, Neil deGrasse Tyson, NASA Astronaut Captain Scott Kelly, fellow space travelers Audrey Powers and Chris Boshuizen, and a cast of many other luminary explorers as we set out for 10 days on this magnificent Continent.
Only 260 spots are available for this exclusive expedition, and they will go fast! Be among the select few to embark on this unparalleled adventure alongside William Shatner and other Legends.
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All photos on this website are protected by copyright. For permission to use or reproduce these photos, please contact Daniel Fox.
*Seabourn Registry: Nassau, Bahamas
We will be sending you email updates with information about this exciting Antarctica Voyage. Stay tuned!